Everyone lives within a watershed, even those far from a major waterway. Watersheds influence the character of a landscape and in turn are influenced by the land and human activities. All we do on the land, how we care for the soil, the forests and wildlife, and every other aspect of the watershed has an impact, not just on the local watershed, but far downstream.
The Mighty Peace Watershed Alliance (MPWA) is committed to increasing public understanding of trends affecting the Peace and Slave Watershed. The Alliance is the designated Watershed Planning and Advisory Council for the Peace/Slave River Water Basin. This report is the first attempt to document the state of the watershed and identify significant stewardship challenges and options. It is a snapshot of the watershed today — what we know and don't know. Our goal is to engage the public and stakeholders with an interest in preserving the water resources of the region.
+ State of the Watershed brochure+ State of the Watershed full report + Technical report: Aquatic Ecosystems Background + Technical report: Regional Hydrological Assessment |
© 2015 Mighty Peace Watershed Alliance | CONTACT THE ALLIANCE | NEXT PAGE: Executive Summary |